offers another insightful, in-depth view of the farce that is the WPZ Elephant Task Force. Craig’s multi-point letter lays out the demonstrated inadequacies of this group.

I’d first like to offer Task Force member Annette Laico a warm and sincere thank you for again reminding all in attendance at the most recent public Task Force meeting that the proceedings should not lose sight that its purpose, first and foremost, must be about the health and welfare of Watoto, Bamboo, and Chai, and “the true reality of [those] three individuals,” as Laico so eloquently put it; regardless how often others on the panel, along with Woodland Park Zoo, try to steer the conversation away from that fact.

“We still have a situation that is less than ideal for three particular elephants, and potentially others into the future,” said Laico. “We can’t lost sight of that.”

The City, the Zoo, and the Task Force all need to be reminded that the reason for these meetings is not because of a need to discuss Woodland Park Zoo’s conservation and education mission statements, regardless what the Zoo has set forth as the Task Force’s purpose, but is instead the result of ongoing pressure from a concerned public seeking answers and remedies to the harmful care of the three elephants in the Zoo’s trust, and its woefully inadequate exhibit.

Read the full Open Letter on

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