Letters: Zoo’s plan won’t cut it for elephants; not an extreme view
Two excellent letters to the editor in the Seattle Times counter the Zoo’s recent opinion piece, which labeled a majority of the Seattle public as “extremists” for their compassionate viewpoint on the treatment of elephants.
An excerpt from the first, from FOWPZE founder Alyne Fortgang:
The guest column from two Woodland Park Zoo board members, “Woodland Park Zoo takes good care of its elephants,” [Opinion, May 13] shows how out of touch the Zoo is with science and Seattleites’ values. The zoo’s labeling of those calling for the end of confining elephants in zoos as “extremists” is laughable.
Are the Scientific American, The Seattle Times and 62 percent of Seattleites extremists?
The Scientific American stated in an editorial: “Confined elephants often spend their time standing around in cramped quarters…. These tortuous conditions inflict serious physical and psychological damage on such smart and sensitive animals.”
The Seattle Times has issued five editorials calling for the retirement of the elephants to sanctuary.
The second letter, from Beverly Marcus, a fellow Seattle “extremist”:
One can civilly differ on whether to keep or end the elephant program at the Woodland Park Zoo. But for the highest ranking members of the zoo’s Board of Directors to label those advocating its end as “extremists” is outrageous and, frankly, a desperate attempt to stifle growing opposition to the inhumane aspects of elephant captivity.
Truth be told, I had already decided not to go to the zoo again because of my strong opposition to its elephant program. And now given that zoo management has declared me an extremist, it is clear that I am not welcome.
Read the full letters and other online comments here
Thank you for posting my letter on your website. I am proud to be a “fellow Seattle extremist” and friend of the elephants!
-Bev Marcus
I am sorry that the the Board of Directors at the Woodland Park Zoo, resorted to name calling, because she thinks those that want the elephants released from cages, have extreme views. Just because the views oppose hers, does not make them wrong. Actually I have never been called an extremist before, so was quite flattered with my new title. There is a really long list of folk, that fall into her category. So we are all in good company. Mr. Berens, of the Seattle times. Editorialists of the Seattle Times, Scientific American Staff, Writers in National Geographic, other zoos in the U.S. and 62% of Seattlites. Elephants would never cage us for ‘show and tell’ as WPZ is doing to them.
Catherine Colby