Action Alert: Vanpool to Olympia to support HB 1425
A van is headed to Olympia on Feb. 5th filled with elephant advocates to support passage of historic legislation that will help animals.
This legislation would require organizations, like Woodland Park Zoo, which take tax payer dollars to be subject to the Open Records and Open Meetings Act of Washington State. Review bill HB 1425 here.
Title of this bill: Ensuring that entities performing government functions and advisory committees are subject to the open public meetings act and public records act.
WHAT: Hearing that allows public comment to support HB 1425
VAN-POOLING: A large van will meet at the SE corner of the Northgate Mall’s parking
lot in front of Red Robin Restaurant. Easy mall parking.
WHEN: February 5th at 11:15 AM (for 1:30 hearing).
If you’re driving, please arrive at 1:15.
WHERE: WA State Capital, Olympia, WA.
John L. O’Brien Building, 504 15th Ave. SW, Olympia, WA 98504.
Hearing Room E.
WEAR: Orange! Small TRANSPARENCY signs will be provided to pin to your
VERY IMPORTANT: Please, email us if you’re coming so we know what size vehicle to pay for. If you need to cancel, let us know!