Message from The Elephant Sanctuary’s New CEO
Check out the recent letter from the new CEO of The Elephant Sanctuary:
Dear Friends,
I’m so pleased to be writing to you at last, in this my first ever e-Trunklines. It’s been an exciting journey so far, getting to know all the staff as well as our precious elephants. I’ve had minimal time to adjust from England to being in Tennessee—I got off the plane and set more or less straight to work! There is so much to be done, but first of all I needed to meet the staff and the elephants. As I write I’ve just got back from spending the day working with our Q-barn eles and their caregivers. I worked yesterday with Tange and Flora in Africa and tomorrow I’m looking forward to spending time in Asia.
We all know the elephants are the stars of the show, which always has been and always will be ‘all about the elephants.’ But I do want to tell you all how pleased I am to have met, talked to and worked with the caregivers. They are truly amazing in their knowledge and passion. Although they are nothing less than the elephants deserve, I have rarely met such a dedicated group of people. And our administration staff have impressed me just as much—they remain 100% committed to the elephants even though they seldom even see them.
The histories of our elephants are full of drama and interest and sometimes sadness, but their present and future lives with the Sanctuary inspire me and fill me with hope. I look out at what the Sanctuary has provided—acres and acres of gentle pasture and wooded hills, springs, creeks, ponds, and warm barns. There is nowhere like it on earth and I am blessed to be here.
Thank you for all you do for the Sanctuary and the elephants it cares for. I want you to remember we would not be here if it weren’t for you.
Wishing you all a happy and peaceful 2011.
Rob Atkinson
Rob…welcome to the colonies. I know you will do a fantastic job. Please feel free to call upon me if you need anything I might be able to help with. Scott has all my numbers. Mel