kimpluscraig article: Just Walk Away once again gives a detailed, in-depth review of the Woodland Park Zoo’s Elephant “Task Force,” illustrating so clearly why the elephants’ needs were never going to truly be considered. Here is an excerpt from this scathing review of the Task Force:
Over six months of hearings comprising some twenty-odd hours of public testimony, everyone asked to speak before the Task Force was either employed by Woodland Park Zoo or the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (the by-the-industry-for-the-industry accreditation oversight body), or had working relationships with one or both. With one exception: In Defense of Animals’ Nicole Meyer, whose brief testimony was interrupted by an upset Hendrickson, who berated Meyer for not following the script the panel had given her; and by panel (and Zoo Board of Directors) member Jeff Leppo, who was only interested in assailing her credibility.
Publicly admitting to not being experts, the Task Force relied on a sub-panel to assess the elephants’ health and wellbeing. That “Expert Review Panel” was hand-picked by Task Force member Bryan Slinker – himself a member of the Zoo’s Board of Directors and who, along with Rob Liddell (yet another Board of Directors member), penned an op-ed in The Seattle Times stating that Chai, Bamboo, and Watoto should remain at the zoo.
Read the full article, Just Walk Away, on kimpluscraig